Overview — The Alliance

Alliance meets you where you need help the most: at home, on the street, or at an Alliance location. You’ll get health care, recovery support, peer counseling and other vital services you need to start a new chapter in your life journey.

Things to Think

“…Think about winning
Not losing
Think about staying sober
And not boozing
Think about love
And not hate…”

– Luther Jarman, Writings from Alliance Creative Writing Workshop

What Do You Need?

New Yorkers living with chronic health conditions like HIV, Substance Use Disorder, mental illness, hepatitis, and diabetes depend on Alliance. How can we support your transformation?

Get Tested, Stay Healthy

The first step to a healthier lifestyle is to know where you stand. HIV and hepatitis C testing, rapid access to medical care, and risk reduction education will help you get and stay healthy.

Get Medical & Mental Health

We’ll connect you to the doctors, medications, and other services you need to cope with a chronic health condition or substance use. Need health insurance? We can help.

Manage Substance Use

Counseling, education, syringe exchange, coaching, and support services help active and recovering substance users reduce risk, access healthcare and explore recovery at their own pace.

Get Food & Shelter

Alliance teams can address your basic needs with meal programs, short-term and permanent housing options, and a mix of onsite services that support your well-being.

Return to Work

Job-seeking skills will empower you to face your challenges–while inspiring others like you to make healthier choices.

Peers + Poetry = Positive Changes:

…I will follow my heart’s desire, and understand what it requires.
For on the day of new, I will soar as the eagle that flew.

–Excerpted from “Today,” by Alliance program participant Clive Ruddock