Re-enter the Workforce — The Alliance

Learning job-seeking skills empowers you to face your challenges–while inspiring others to make healthier choices. Here’s how it happens.

Let a Peer Help You Get Back to Work…and Much More

Imagine you’re going for a job interview at a restaurant in a far-away neighborhood. You’re careful to follow the directions they gave you, but you still get lost. Two people offer help. One’s coming from where you’re headed; the other says he’s only heard of the place. 

So who would you choose as your guide?

Alliance Peers know where you’re going—after all, they’ve already been there. Work with them to get where you want to be in managing your chronic illness, substance use or recovery, and work situation. These are people like you: They’ve learned how to cope with an HIV/AIDS diagnosis, get medical care, reduce harm, work with the health and social service systems, and train others in how to look for (and succeed at) a job.

“I used to always say that if I could save just one person from HIV/AIDS, I’d make my mark in life. The Alliance has given me the tools, the education, and the confidence to do it.”                   &nbs…

“I used to always say that if I could help just one person, I’d make my mark in life. Alliance has given me the tools, the education, and the confidence to do it.”                                                                                  

                                                                                        --Yvonne G.

Where Great Counselors are Created

Our well-respected Peer training programs give counselors the tools they need to succeed. They’re trained for New York State Peer Certification, take part in workshops on HIV trends and prevention and reducing risks for people who use drugs, and are well-schooled in recovery and self-esteem issues, as well as in presentation skills.

Peer Power Puts it All Together

Once they finish their training, Peer graduates can join Alliance’s Peer Power program, working as Peer Interns supporting you and other Alliance program participants. During their placements, interns can:

  • Conduct community outreach to help others initiate and maintain healthy behaviors

  • Provide HIV and substance use prevention education in drug treatment centers single-room occupancy (SRO) hotels, and public housing projects

  • Escort participants to doctors’ appointments

To enroll in a Peer Training program, contact
Deborah Yuelles at
(212) 645-0875, x313

Success by the Numbers

In 2021, Alliance and its counselors reached 29,195 New Yorkers through peer and community outreach events. We gave out more than 40,000 condoms and safer sex kits (yes, 40,000!) to men and women through these efforts.

…and everyone wins!

Becoming a trained Peer can be a real road to success. Of the program’s 1,000+ graduates, 75% become Alliance volunteers, Peer interns, or actual full-time Alliance employees. Many go on to earn a GED or go to college.

Get Tested.

Testing is the #1 tool against HIV and
hepatitis C.

Make a Donation.

Support the next great transformation
at Alliance.