Get Medical Care — The Alliance

We’ll connect you to the doctors, medications, insurance, and other services you need to manage a chronic health issue or substance use.

Do you need medical and/or mental health care?

Alliance can help put you on the path to positive change! Our free bilingual care management can provide:

  • Access to quality medical services for HIV and other chronic health conditions

  • Coordination of your health services and issues among different doctors

  • Management of your medications and treatments

Care management is also your gateway to other key Alliance services, including:

  • Regular HIV testing

  • Substance use treatment

  • Housing placement

  • Meal and food pantry services

  • Benefits counseling

  • Support groups

  • Health coaching

Ready to enroll?

Get in touch:
Angela Arias, Director of Care Management
(212) 645-0875, x344

What is Care Management?

Alliance for Positive Change provides care management through New York State’s “Health Home” program. Care Managers provide expedited linkages to medical care, insurance, and other supportive services.

Peer support for people with substance use disorder or behavioral health needs is provided through New York State’s Community Oriented Recovery and Empowerment (CORE) and Home & Community Based Services (HCBS) programs.

A Program Tailored to Your Goals and Needs

Our caring and professional care management specialists will work with you to create a care management plan that fits your goals. We’ll even provide medical appointment reminders and escorts, and help with transportation costs, as you work with our partners like NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital and Mount Sinai Health System.

The Pharmacy Access Program: Get What You Need to Stay Healthy

Our Pharmacy Access Program, at our Midtown Central, CASA Washington Heights, and Pelham Grand community service center sites, lets you pick up prescriptions with ease, safety, and total confidentiality. And if you have any questions about or problems with your medications, a pharmacy technician is always there to help.

Mental Health: For a Healthier Body, Heart, and Mind

Alliance partners with leading providers to support New Yorkers with individual and group outpatient counseling services. 

Contact Angela Arias, Director of Care Management, for more information:, or (212) 645-0875, x344.

Do You Have Your Own Medical Treatment Plan, and Need Help Finding Insurance?
Contact Marcia Deer, Associate Director, Linkage to Care
(646) 418-8568

Get Tested.

Testing is the #1 tool against HIV and
hepatitis C.

Make a Donation.

Support the next great transformation
at Alliance.