Get Tested — The Alliance

The first step to health and well-being is to know where you stand. HIV and hepatitis C testing, rapid access to medical care, and risk reduction education will help you pursue your chosen pathway to positive change.

It All Starts with a Simple Test

Our HIV & hepatitis C testing is free, quick, and confidential. Here's how we do it:

Questions? Get in touch:
(855) 427-2692

Step 1: Let's talk.

An Alliance counselor will address your emotional needs and concerns, while also providing the lowdown on HIV/AIDS and HCV transmission and tips for prevention.

Step 2: Get the test.

We use the Alere Determine™ HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Combo (HIV) or OraQuick® HIV test (HIV) to detect the presence of HIV, ​and OraQuick® HCV test (HCV) to detect the presence of HCV. All tests use a a small, needle finger stick to provide clear, accurate results in just 20 minutes.

Step 3: Discuss the results. 

Based on your test report, your Alliance counselor will discuss the appropriate prevention and/or care plan options.

We're Ready When You Are

Alliance's free and confidential testing services are available, in English and Spanish, at the locations below.

Alliance Midtown Central
64 W 35th Street, 3rd Floor

Walk-in Hours

Friday 10:00am—3:00pm
*additional testing times available via appointment

Keith Haring Harlem Center
315 E 104th Street, Suite 1

Walk-in Hours
*additional testing times available via appointment

CASA Washington Heights
2036 Amsterdam Avenue

Walk-in Hours
*additional testing times available via appointment

Luis & Lillian Outreach Center
150 1st Avenue

Walk-in Hours
*additional testing times available via appointment

LES Harm Reduction Center
35 E Broadway, 2nd Floor

Walk-in Hours
*additional testing times available via appointment

Alliance on the Move
Located Across New York City

Follow @thealliance_nyc
on Twitter to find us!
Or contact (212) 645-0875

Staying Negative: What's Your Plan?

Alliance offers several prevention-focused services, including evidence-based interventions to assist New Yorkers having unprotected sex and subsequently a higher risk of contracting HIV.

We also offer education on the PrEP and PEP preventive medicines, support groups, and syringe exchanges. Topics include safe sex healthy relationships, healthy disclosure, setting life goals, and more.


What does HIV stand for?

H: Human (its target) 
I: Immuno-deficiency (a weakening of the body's overall defense system) 
V: Virus (the microscopic parasite that attacks immunity)

What does AIDS stand for?

A: Acquired (received) 
ID: Immuno-deficiency (failure of the body's defense system)
S: Syndrome (a group of regularly appearing symptoms)

About Hepatitis C

The hepatitis C (hep C) virus causes inflammation of the liver and liver disease. Like many other viruses that you can pick up from someone else (such as the flu), it can cause sickness, including swelled organs and a breakdown of organ functions.


For more information about HIV/AIDS or hep C, visit the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website.

Get Tested.

Testing is the #1 tool against HIV and
hepatitis C.

Make a Donation.

Support the next great transformation
at Alliance.
