Alliance Joins The Bronx Social Justice and Anti-Violence Forums to Discuss 340B Pharmacy Carveout

Alliance’s Program Manager of Criminal Justice Initiative, Eugene Eppes, and Director of Administration, Brooke Montes spoke with host Daren Jaime about how the 340B pharmacy carveout threatens public health, as well as how to make your voice heard before the deadline of April 1.

“Health inquiries were really exacerbated and highlighted during the pandemic, so to take [the pharmacy benefit] from the people who need it, who were the hardest hit from the pandemic,” explains Brooke. “Our very own Senator Rivera of the Bronx has introduced a bill, S5136, and our Health Chairs in the Senate and the Assembly have put a rejection in the one house budget." Supporters are encouraged to contact their legislators and urge them to reject the carveout today.