Alliance Advocates to Save Health Homes in Albany

Over 20 Alliance staff and program participants woke up well before dawn and drove to Albany again on Monday, February 27, to lobby against proposed cuts that would remove 70,000 participants from New York State Health Homes. PHOTOS HERE and HERE. Joined by providers like Harlem United, Argus Health, Housing Works, and many others, we spoke with over a dozen state legislators and their staffs about the importance of the intensive care management model that Health Homes provides.

A ‘Health Home’ is not a physical place; it is a group of health care and service providers working together for Medicaid beneficiaries to get health services. Providers operate under a “whole person” philosophy, integrating primary, acute, behavioral, and long-term services. 180,000 New Yorkers, including 35,000 children rely on the care management coordinator of Health Homes. This is especially important for immigrant and non-English speaking communities, which have more difficulty finding primary and specialty medical providers and case managers who can communicate with each other in the same language.

Health Homes must be preserved. Please support us by signing this letter.