Hope and purpose

“When I first came to Alliance for Positive Change, my goal was to get back to work. I enrolled in Alliance’s Peer training and secured employment. And I gained so much more along the way!

”In 2015, I was processing my HIV diagnosis and trying to find my way in the world. I’d spent about three years in and out of hospitals, I was finally ready to be part of the real world again. I started working with an Alliance case manager who connected me with quality medical care and other basic needs. With that strong foundation in place, I enrolled in Alliance’s Peer program—and that’s when things really turned around for me.

”I committed, and proudly stuck with the 8-week training, even when it was hard. I learned how to educate others about safer sex, harm reduction, and navigating health systems. I was honored to be selected to speak about my experience at the Peer graduation ceremony.

”When I was hired as an Alliance Peer, it was exciting to take the knowledge I’d gained and share it with others. Today, I primarily work with the LGBTQ+ community, leading educational groups and supporting participants with HIV medication adherence, which saves lives.

Being a Peer helped me make positive changes in my own life by giving me HOPE and PURPOSE. I go to the doctor regularly and I stay on top of my health. Alliance brought me back to who I was and helped me feel in control of my own life. I use the tools I’ve gained by being a Peer to create a positive change for me and for each person I encounter.

”My Peer superpower is my ability to listen and connect with my community. My clients often tell me that hearing my story inspires them. I’ve been in their shoes—and today, I’m thriving. I’m proof that they can, too.

”Alliance makes it possible for so many New Yorkers to thrive! That’s why I am asking you to support Alliance with a generous gift today. You have the superpower to change lives by making your gift to Alliance at www.alliance.nyc/power.

”Thank you for being our valued partner in positive change!”

Anthony R., Alliance Peer Superhero